Zack Schuler is the founder and former CEO of Cal Net Technology Group, a regional IT services firm headquartered in Los Angeles.
Zack started Cal Net out of his fraternity house in 1995 at the age of 21, starting as a one man consultant, traveling from home to home and business to business working with his clients. It wasn’t long before he became overwhelmingly busy, and started to hire people to help him. Acquiring one client and one employee at a time, with steady organic growth and no outside capital, Zack grew the business to almost 100 employees and $20 million in revenue.
Deciding that there was more for him out there, he hired an investment banker to sell his business. After receiving nine offers, Zack sold the business to a private equity firm in October 2013.
Zack is now working on his new venture, Ninjio LLC. Ninjio an IT security awareness solution that produces three- to four-minute-long animated episodes featuring stories about real security breaches. These episodes are created and distributed every 30 days to educate employees about the dangers that exist in cyberspace. The episodes are delivered through a cloud-based learning management system, and the viewer is challenged through an interactive component of each episode to answer questions correctly. The company’s mission is to create #unhackable humans.