Speaker Information Upload

Thanks again for your participation in the ChannelPro SMB Forum!

Please use this form to upload speaker materials for the event. This information will be posted online at events.channelpronetwork.com and included in the event show guide. If we have your speaker’s headshot and bio on file (from a past event), we will use that unless new copies are sent by the deadline.


If you are filling out this form on behalf of the speaker, please enter your contact information below.

Please keep biography at 150 words or less.
Headshot minimum dimensions: 1500x2100 pixels at 300 ppi
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc pptx.
Headshot minimum dimensions: 1500x2100 pixels at 300 ppi
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Please keep biography at 150 words or less.

SPONSORS: If your presentation slide deck is available at this time, please upload the file below. Slide decks are due one week prior to the event.

Files must be less than 64 MB.
Allowed file types: ppt pptx avi mov mp3 ogg wav mp4.
Presentations will be posted online at www.channelpronetwork.com.
We know these aren't usually fun, but neither is dealing with tons of spam.