Founded by Michael Fraser in 2010, VDI Space is a cloud solutions and software company specializing in DaaS, VDI, session-based computing and application publishing.
With multiple data centers in the United States, our Cloud and Virtual Desktop Technology Experts have core competencies in Enterprise Solutions custom built for large IT Departments, Managed Service Providers, Telecommunications Companies, Multiple Service Organizations, Internet Service Providers, Technology Value Added Resellers and Data Centers looking to augment their product offerings with Cloud based desktop and application based solutions.
VDI Space is currently working with Google’s Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, and also offer private cloud on our very own CloudStack offering.
One of the pioneers in this space, offering Teradici’s workspaces product utilizing PCoIP along with Parallels 2X in their platform with integration for IBM’s SoftLayer and Rackspace currently being worked on for the nest release.