I have extensive experience in data privacy consulting and responding to data security incidents as well as more than 20 years of insurance coverage consulting and claims knowledge. The majority of my practice focuses on responding to data security incidents while ensuring my clients remain compliant with state, federal and international requirements, as well as managing operational and reputational impact. I work with clients and third-parties, including forensic investigators, law enforcement and ransomware negotiators to identify and contain the incident, minimize disruption to business operations, deliver effective public communications, minimize exposure to possible litigation and regulatory investigations, and avoid attacks. I also develop cyber incident response policies and protocols and pre-breach and compliance services to place my clients in the best position possible from a business, insurance, regulatory and incident response standpoint. I hold multiple IAPP certifications and recognitions (FIP, CIPP/US, CIPP/E, CIPM) and I have a Master of Science of Cybersecurity. I am also an Advisory Board Member for The Cyber Helpline and a Member/Mentor for the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Mentorship Program. I am an Adjunct Professor at IIT, Chicago-Kent College of Law teaching Cybersecurity, Data Privacy and Incident Response for the JD Certificate program in Data Privacy Law. I was also selected as Crain’s Chicago Business Notable Women in Law 2024.