Speaker Selfie Upload

Thank you for being an expert contributor to ChannelPro Network. We invite you to submit your own Selfie Video (from your phone or any video recording device), and we will weave that into our marketing efforts to allow our audience to learn more about you and your services! So brush off your elevator pitch, and plan out what you want attendees to know about you.

Video length: Your video should be no more than 60 seconds long. If you have any questions, please reach out to Michael or Rich.

Use the form below to submit your Selfie video. If it's less than 64MB in size you can upload it directly, otherwise toss it up on a cloud share and tell us where we can get it.

Tips to ensure the best quality:

  1. If your device allows, try to shoot and submit your video at 720p or greater.
  2. Most mobile devices highly compress and reduce video quality when emailed (so, please do not email the video to yourself as a means to upload from your computer). Always transfer your video to a computer in its original form, or upload it at full quality to an online storage service. Uploading the full-size video to a YouTube or Vimeo channel and providing the link below will also work.
  3. We recommend completing this submission form from a computer instead of a phone.

Be sure to promote yourself/brand. Do you offer consulting? Sell books? Be sure to include that in your video, plus your URL. Be creative. Have fun. Follow the instructions on this page carefully, then use the form below to submit yours.


If we have questions or need to get in touch with you about your video, who can we contact?

Begin typing the name of the speaker or presenter. As you type, applicable options will be displayed. Please click the correct speaker name when it appears. When done correctly, it should be displayed like "Speaker Name " for example.
Upload your Speaker Selfie video. Video must be 30 seconds or less.
Files must be less than 64 MB.
Allowed file types: avi mov mp4 m4v wmv.
NOTE: The access code is case sensitive and was included in the email you received.
We know these aren't usually fun, but neither is dealing with tons of spam.